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Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr

It is almost impossible to be obsessed with tea (and that I am) and not eventually want to dabble in your own blending. Recently, I have been learning about herbal and natural remedies so that I can eventually create my very own apothecary of healing teas. A book entitled, “Healing Herbal Teas” by Sarah Farr has helped me exercise my novice herbalist skills and that is why I am sharing it with you!

In this article, I review "Healing Herbal Teas" by Sarah Farr. Click play to see my honest review. Be sure to also subscribe to be automatically entered to win FREE tea/books/stuff during Tea End Blog Give-Aways. Already subscribed? Tell a friend!

In The Company Of Women by Grace Bonney


Page Count: 258

Author: Sarah Farr

Published Date: 2016

Publishing Company: Storey Publishing

Type: Paperback

Book Reviews: Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr
Book Reviews: Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr

Just imagine if every time you felt yourself coming down with a cold or a headache, you grabbed a tea instead of a pill, wouldn’t that just be amazing? I am currently working on a home improvement project that is going to allow me to have my very own in-home apothecary! I can’t wait to share my plans with you!

Book Reviews: Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr

I really appreciate how all the images in "Healing Herbal Teas" by Sarah Farr coincide with what is written on the page. Tea imagery can be very enchanting and beautiful, and, at times, I feel as though some authors use this as an excuse to not take the time to ensure that the images are relevant to the written word. In "Healing Herbal Teas", however, each image relates to what you read.

For all novice herbalists, like myself, there's plenty of basic but fundamental information in this book such as: recommended blending tools and measuring info. "Healing Herbal Teas" also contains money saving tips since herbs can be expensive and in the last chapter Sarah explains and illustrates how to even map out your own garden.


Stopping a Cold in Its Tracks

An excerpt from the journal notes

of Sarah Farr on page 107 of

"It's fairly easy to keep yourself from getting full-blown sick if you use immune-support teas at the first signs of a cold or infection. Recognizing the early warning signs, such as a little scratch in the your throat, extreme tiredness, or sinus irritation, and acting quickly to prevent your symptoms from progressing, is an invaluable skill. The minute you start to feel unwell, jump into self-care mode. We are each responsible for our own bodies, and it's important to know the general and unique ways your body tells you it is imbalanced."

Book Reviews: Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr

Are you thinking about delving into the world of natural remedies and herbal teas? Yes? Well then, "Healing Herbal Teas" is your next read! I immensely enjoyed this book and I feel that it has enhanced my herb knowledge. I have a sneaking suspicion that you’ll enjoy it also.

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What is your favorite herbal tea(s)?

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