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Paris | Harney & Sons

I think it’s safe to say that Paris is my favorite tea blend by Harney & Sons. I’m sure you probably agree as this particular blend seems to be everyone’s favorite. While Paris is delicious to taste did you know that it could also be good for your digestive health?

Click play to see my honest review of Paris by Harney & Sons. Be sure to also subscribe to be automatically entered to win FREE tea/books/stuff during Tea End Blog Give-Aways. Already subscribed? Tell a friend!



THE HUE: Paris | Harney & Sons

Paris by Harney & Sons is just as bold as it appears. The deep amber hue is hypnotizing.



THE SCENT: Paris | Harney & Sons

The scent of Paris by Harney & Sons is one that will be craved from the first whiff. The black tea aroma blended with soft vanilla fills the air with a grounding and soothing fragrance.

THE SCENT: Paris | Harney & Sons


THE SIP: Paris | Harney & Sons

Without 2 teaspoons of honey, Paris by Harney & Sons is astringent with a deep and heavy black tea taste. The faint hint vanilla flavor sticks to the palette mimicking the bitterness of the tea.

With 2 teaspoons of honey, Paris by Harney & Sons becomes a smoother sip. The vanilla notes play with the sugars in the honey to create a pleasantly sweet and grounding taste. I prefer this tea with honey.

THE SIP: Paris | Harney & Sons

Black Tea for Upset Stomach

If you are experiencing diarrhea not caused by a bacterial infection, then a cup of black tea may just be for you. The tannins in black tea have an astringent effect on the intestinal lining which helps control inflammation and, in result, also controls diarrhea. In a 2016 study, 2 to 12 year old patients with acute non-bacterial diarrhea consumed black tea tablets as a safe and inexpensive way to manage diarrhea.

Tea Reviews: Paris | Harney & Sons

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