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  • Gabie

The Wellness Tea (

Updated: May 11, 2021

translation: n/a

Type: herbal/tisane

Origin: certified organic by Natural Food Certifiers

Harvest: n/a

Caffeine: non-caffeinated

Steeping Suggestion: boiling for at least 5 minutes

Herbal teas that promote wellness can also be called tisanes. Tisanes are very different from detox teas and teas that supposedly help you lose weight; tisanes aid the body in its natural function and promote well-being and health. The Wellness Tea is an all-in-one 100% organic herbal blend specifically designed to naturally boost your daily balance. The perfect blend packed with the essential health benefits of organic natural ingredients so that you can boost your body's balance naturally!

The ingredients in The Wellness Tea have multiple benefits including immune system support, anti-inflammatory agents, digestive support, blood sugar balance, calming agents, cleansing agents, health support, energy boost, and skin health improvement. What a tea! The Wellness Tea...



THE HUE: The Wellness Tea  |

Herbal blends are fool-proof when it comes to steeping and therefore, depending how long you steep your herbal blends, this will determine just how dark the tea's hue becomes. I like to steep The Wellness Tea for 10+ minutes; I basically leave the tea bag in the hot water until I sip the last drop. This method makes The Wellness Tea come out to be a dark and deep yellow hue. I think the color is very warm and soothing.

The Wellness Tea  |


THE SCENT: The Wellness Tea  |


Cinnamon, chamomile, berry, hay (dormant grass), floral


Herbal, cinnamon, floral, chamomile


THE SCENT: The Wellness Tea  |


THE SIP: The Wellness Tea  |

Steep One

I steeped The Wellness Tea for 10+ using boiling water. I left the tea bag in my tea cup until the last sip. The Wellness Tea had a clean and light cinnamon and chamomile primary taste and as the tea travelled down my throat there were slight floral and berry notes that came alive.

Steep Two


Steep Three


The Wellness Tea with Honey:

The Wellness Tea tastes delicious with honey. The cinnamon is sweetened and softened and the sugars in the honey make the chamomile and berry notes more pronounced.


THE SIP: The Wellness Tea  |

All Organic Ingredients

Some health information below has been taken from The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines by Mark Blumenthal; this is a wonderful book that helps me learn more about herbs and their healing capabilities!

Organic Ashwagandha Root: Reduces blood sugar and cortisol levels and has anti-depressant capabilities. Ashwagandha is known to also reduce anxiety, stress, and inflammation and it is also proven to help brain function and promote memory.

Organic Astragalus: Immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies and the common cold. It's also used against heart disease and diabetes.

Organic Chamomile: Reduces menstrual pain, prevents diabetes and lowers blood sugar. Chamomile is known for promoting sleep and relaxation it also has the ability to slow or prevent osteoporosis and reduces inflammation.

Organic Cinnamon: Antioxidant capabilities and helps fight bacterial and fungal infections. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and has an anti-diabetic effect.

Organic Dandelion Root: Highly nutritious and containing antioxidants. Dandelion root promotes digestive health, fights inflammation, and reduces cholesterol. Promotes a healthy liver, boosts immune system and strengthens bones.

Organic Elderberries: Aids with constipation, join and muscle pain, and treats infections that affect how you breathe. Elderberries also helps with fever, headaches, kidney problems and also promotes stress relief.

Organic Ginger: Contains gingerol, which as powerful medicinal properties. Ginger can treat forms of nausea, especially morning sickness. Ginger can also help with osteoarthritis, chronic indigestion, and it can also reduce menstrual pain.

Organic Lemon Balm: Reduces stress and anxiety, boosts cognitive function, and helps ease insomnia and other sleep disorders. Lemon Balm may help in treating cold sores, relieving nausea and indigestion, and minimizing menstrual, tooth, and headache pain.

Organic Milk Thistle Seeds: Supports liver, skin, and bone health. Organic Milk Thistle Seeds improves cognition ands supports the immune system.

Organic Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a naturally anti-inflammatory compound. Curcumin lowers the risk of heart disease and prevents cancer. Curcumin has also been shown to help with depression.

THE SIP: an aerial view of loose leaf Rose Pouchong with Rose Buds in a small bowl


Tea Reviews: The Wellness Tea  |


Learn more about The Wellness Tea

Instagram: @wellnesstea359


"Ashwagandha: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects (2020)" by BulkSupplements

"8 Powerful Health Benefits of Dandelion Root Tea" by Your Health TV

"Elderberry & The Immune System | Ask the ND with Dr. Jeremy Wolf" by LuckyVitamin


How do you steep your herbal teas?

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2 Kommentare

13. Jan. 2021

@Mary Crozier - Hi, Mary! I'm so happy to hear that you ordered the tea and that you're excited to try it. It's a beautiful tea and it has all the right ingredients to promote calm and well-being. Thank you so much and happy sipping at Bella Terra!!! :-)

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Mary Crozier
13. Jan. 2021

Gabie, I just ordered this! I cannot wait to try it. Thank you for sharing. So looking forward to sipping a cup of this. Happy New Year, my friend! Mary from Life at Bella Terra

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