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Arguing Semantics: Words Do Have Meaning

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Did you know that a single piece of confetti is called confetto and that the literal meaning of walrus is "whale-horse"? Some words, although used on a regular basis, have literal definitions to which we can be completely unaware; knowing these definitions may or not change our perspective but what about the intrinsic meaning of a word? Is there such a thing? Do words have a meaning beyond Webster's description? Should we be concerned about the words we use?

Tap 'play' to watch me explain why words have meaning and importance to me, why I believe words should be important to all of us, and my take on curse words. If you have not subscribed to Tea End Blog yet, then I have no idea what you're waiting for! Subscribing to the blog will automatically enter you to win free tea, books, and other cool stuff that I am always giving away!



I have always had a love affair with words and since I am a creative person, words are intertwined in my creative process. I love poetry, blogging, writing, story-telling, word-play, script writing, language, diction, grammar, and any and everything that is associated with words.

To me, words are much more than simple utterances that dissipate after the conversation has been had. Words are things that live around and affect us. They don't just affect us, but they affect everything around us. Words are powerful; they can build up and give life to someone or something or they can tear down and destroy someone or something.

"Words are things, I’m convinced...I think they get on the walls, they get in your wallpaper, they get in your rugs and your upholstery and your clothes...and finally into you."

- Dr. Maya Angelou

To be a free and inspiring poet like Dr. Maya Angelou would be a dream come true as I have so much respect for the late writer. Her perspective on words speaks to my heart and the way she eloquently explains their nature confirms my long-held belief that words do affect us. Check out Dr. Maya Angelou explaining her take on words in her last appearance on Oprah's Master Class.



If words are things that have power to affect us and the things around us, does this mean that we should be careful with which words we choose to use? I would say yes, but I am not the only one who agrees. Gary Chapman, the author of "The 5 Love Languages" observed that there are five ways in which people perceive and interpret love; one of those ways being 'words of affirmation'. Based on this discovery, words play a major role in whether certain individuals feel loved and therefore it would be wise to choose them, well, wisely.

Another great book that confirms the power of words and the significance behind choosing them wisely is "The Secret Life of Water" by Masaru Emoto. Emoto spent his life studying H2O and the effect that spoken and written words have on its molecular build. He discovered that the vibration from negative words destroyed the molecular build of water while the positive vibration from encouraging words fortified H2O molecules. If words have the power to destroy or fortify H2O molecules and human beings are made up of more than 70% of water, then doesn't this mean that we should strive to choose upbuilding and encouraging words when speaking to and about one another? You decide.

Both of these publications are inspiring and beautiful reads, if you have not yet read these, you definitely want to add them to your TBR list. If you would like to know a little more about these books before you add them to your book shelf, then check out my Book Review of "The 5 Love Langauges" by Gary Chapman and my very first (cringe-worthy) Book Review ever of "The Secret Life of Water" by Masaru Emoto.



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No one is perfect and therefore no one perfectly controls their tongue. I try to avoid the practice of using foul language but complications like stubbing my pinky toe and going through a divorce make that very difficult...

Should we consider the facility of using curse words as a pass to use them freely? What are curse words and why are they considered offensive? If words affect us, what type of effect do curse words have? All of the answers to these questions can be discovered simply by pondering over the words that Google Dictionary uses to define curse words or even the verb, 'to curse'. After all, sometimes, a word defines itself without explanation.



1. a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.

2. an offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance.


1. invoke or use a curse against.

2. utter offensive words in anger or annoyance.


I really hope you enjoyed this post about words and their importance. Being that you are a true tea sipping bookworm, I can see how you would appreciate words, their intrinsic meaning, and their effect on us. But I want to hear your opinion! What is your take on words? Tell me below!


I am sipping...


What is your take on words?

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