I really enjoy doing Tea Reviews, especially when I review a tea that Tea End Blog subscribers suggest!
During Tea Reviews - Subscriber’s Edition, you can suggest tea that you would like for me to try including any questions or concerns you may have; I will choose a few of you a month to perform specialized Tea Reviews just for you! Today, I am reviewing Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons suggested by Flawless Fluidity, a Tea End Blog YouTube subscriber. Hey Flawless Fluidity, I hope you like this Tea Review!
Click play to see my honest review of Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons. Be sure to also subscribe to be automatically entered to win FREE tea/books/stuff during Tea End Blog Give-Aways. Already subscribed? Tell a friend!
Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons is a white tea with a translucent yellow hue. In comparison to other white teas I have sipped, especially ones that are not blends, I would say that this white tea steeps darker. If I were to liken the hue to a tone perhaps more familiar to you, I would say 'apple juice', with more yellow tones.
I love when a tea’s scent makes your mouth water and Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons does just that. I am always a little surprised when citrus and floral scents comes together harmoniously and Wedding Tea blends rose with lemon so deliciously…and I haven’t even taken my first sip!
Steep Temp: 175°F
Steep Time: 3 min.
Wedding Tea without honey is a very interesting and enjoyable sip. The soft lemon note, void of tang or bitterness, takes center stage and tussles pleasantly with a rose note. The lemon wins center stage again at the end of the sip.
Wedding Tea with 2 teaspoons of honey changes its dynamic with vanilla taking center stage, which is followed by the lemon note. The soft rose notes surface intermittently.
SIDE NOTE: I truly enjoyed sipping Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons and took several sips before even thinking to add honey. This is usually one of my tests of “sip-ability”; If I sip a tea and don’t think to add honey then I can really see myself purchasing the tea in the future and sipping it under all circumstances, even when a sweetener isn’t readily available.
Did you like this Tea Review? I certainly hope that at least one subscriber did! Flawless Fluidity, tell us what you think and if you have sipped Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons, please let us know what you thought of it in the comments below! Don't forget to take this opportunity to tell me what you would like for me to review! Be sure to include any questions or concerns you may have so that I can address them in the next Tea Review: Subscriber's Edition!
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