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My Blogger's Block and How It Is Destroying Autumn Inspiration

It is ironic that I am even writing this post under the Series entitled “Inspirations” because this post is about me not being inspired. I have a bad case of 'blogger’s block' and it has lasted well over a month now…

In this article, I explain my absence and also express my feelings about my current blogger’s block that is also adversely affecting my creativity. Also, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to Tea End Blog to be automatically entered in Tea End Blog Give-Aways. Already subscribed? Tell a friend!


The bad thing about my blogger's block is that it has even blocked up the usual spurt of creativity that I experience during the beginning of my favorite season, Autumn. I remember Autumn 2016 being so hopeful and full of inspiration; I even wrote a post about it entitled, "Hello Autumn". Unfortunately, I do not feel inspired this doesn't even feel like fall due to my lack of creativity.

The good thing about my writer’s block (yeah...I was actually able to find a 'good' thing) is that it has allowed me to identify some of the reasons why I got in this rut: 1) working non-stop for almost 3 years without a true break or vacation, 2) being overwhelmed with teas to taste/review with unreasonable deadlines to meet 4) participating in projects/collaborations that really didn't remain true to Tea End Blog...these are just a few amongst others.

January 2018 will mark the 3rd year of my blogging on Tea End Blog. There have been a lot of changes, not just in the world of tea and literature but in the world of me. My life is advancing towards new beginnings and even in these 3 years I have changed and grown. I feel like Tea End Blog needs to reflect this growth but also reflect the changes that have naturally taken place with the blog itself. Tea End Blog is no longer a baby blog with few posts, rather, it is a forum in which people visit daily for inspiration regarding tea and literature.

This post is unlike any post that I have done so far on Tea End Blog, which I think reflects the change that is much needed. I feel that Tea End Blog is going towards a more raw, solemn, less playful but more concentrated vibe. I am conflicted, however, because I still want you guys to have fun here.

As you can tell, I am still working everything out and I would be lying if I said I had it all together and expected to be back in action in no time. In reality, I haven’t any idea when or even if I will regain my inspiration back to write on Tea End Blog about tea and literature.

In the meantime, I truly hope that you all remain patient with me. Please keep sipping and reading happily ever after and I will soon join you in doing the same...


Has your creativity ever been blocked?

What did you do?

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