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Rwanda Rukeri | Adagio Teas

Looking for a classic but unique and fresh black tea? Rwanda Rukeri by Adagio Teas just may be your next sip! I enjoyed the notes of biscuits, currants and caramel all the while savoring a delicate astringency. I added milk and honey of course...

Click play to see my honest review of Rwanda Rukeri by Adagio Teas. Be sure to also subscribe to be automatically entered to win free tea during Tea End Blog Free Tea Give-Aways. Already subscribed? Tell a friend!



THE HUE: Rwanda Rukeri | Adagio Teas

Rwanda Rukeri is the perfect tea to close the season of Autumn. It so reminds me of it! It’s deep rich brown hue is quite grounding. It also looks like my favorite adjective to describe black teas: Amber-y.



THE SCENT: Rwanda Rukeri | Adagio Teas

The scent is quite air-y for a black tea; not as heavy of a scent as the look of the tea may give off. Rwanda Rukeri gives off musky, biscuit and caramel aromas.

THE SCENT: Rwanda Rukeri | Adagio Teas


THE SIP: Rwanda Rukeri | Adagio Teas

THE SIP: Rose Petal Black Tea | The Tao of Tea


THE EFFECT: Rose Petal Black Tea | The Tao of Tea

With each sip, Rwanda Rukeri lead me to the commencement of my favorite season; Autumn. I couldn’t help but to ruminate over the wondrous beauty of the Fall from pine cones to cozy quilt-covered nights.

Rwanda Rukeri by Adagio Teas is a comforting brew; with 2 teaspoons of honey and a little (whole) milk, I am sure to get through the winter.

Adagio Teas is a super-cool tea company that not only provides delicious teas but also samples to each! I received these samples (below: White Peony, 0.3 oz | Honeybush Hazelnut, 0.8 oz | Rooibos Cinnamon Apple, 0.8 oz | White Cucumber, 0.3 oz) for only $2 or $3. The sample quantity yields more than enough steeps to determine if you'd like to buy a larger measure.

THE EFFECT: Rose Petal Black Tea | The Tao of Tea

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