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Stroopies | Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Any true tea sipper would agree that, although tea can easily be enjoyed alone, it is quite pleasant when served with some sort of treat. I consider myself a snacking queen (one must be royal at something…) as I am always nibbling on something and especially when I am enjoying a wonderful cup of tea.

While visiting the Charleston Tea Plantation (Charleston, SC) I stumbled upon a delightful treat served best warmed by a cup of tea itself! Stroopies, authentic Dutch stroopwafels, enchanted my tea sipping experience so much so that I must share!

In this article, I explain what I liked and disliked about Stroopies, how exactly to enjoy this delightful treat and where you can find your very own authentic Dutch stroopwafels.

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

What I liked...

1. Tea Cup Ready

The circumference of a Stroopies Dutch Wafel makes it just right to sit a-top a tea cup. Too small and the Stroopies would fall into my tea. Too large and the entire Stroopies may not be warmed by the steam coming from the hot tea. The size is perfect!

2. Visually Appealing

High Tea is always accentuated with the most delicate and ornate of tea treats which lends to the entire experience of tea sipping. Stroopies have a simple elegant design that would be perfect for High Tea or simply my tea...

3. Aromathera-tea

Stroopies are made to be warmed by the steam resulting from a hot cup of tea. When Stroopies begin to warm up they release their spiced flavors into the air. Who needs a candle or incense when you have a delicious tea treat like Stroopies!

4. Delicious

Despite their spiced aroma, Stroopies are very delicate and mild in taste which makes Stroopies perfect for tea sipping. When I choose snacks I try to choose those which will not overwhelm the palate so as to leave room to enjoy the tea notes. I would describe the texture as being chewy and would compare the texture to a fig newton cookie.

5. Delightful

I love tea treats that somehow interact with the tea itself. For example, I love tea biscuits that are just the right texture to dip into tea. Or what about peppermint and chocolate sticks that allow you to stir additional flavors into your cup! Stroopies are really neat because they are warmed by the cup itself.

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

What I did not like...

1. Corn Syrup. Need I Say More?

I think everyone can agree by now that corn syrup should be in absolutely nothing! It is a sweetener derived from corn but processed considerably. I have absolutely no idea why Stroopies are made with corn syrup since other ingredients include sugar and brown sugar.

2. $2.20 , each?

$2.20 isn't a lot of money but when you pay almost $5.00 for two small treats you start to question the necessity. I seriously almost didn't purchase these delicious stroopwafels solely because of the price. My curiosity cost about 5 bucks but from now on when I purchase Stroopies I will do so in bulk to be more cost efficient.

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies are made with the same classic ingredients and flavor that one would experience in Holland, the birthplace of this tasty tea treat. A rich, flavorful and caramel delight awaits any and all who try Stroopies.

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies sit perfectly a-top a tea cup as it absorbs the steam from the hot tea. The stroopwafel becomes warm and the caramel in the center softens. Its simple but elegant design makes it perfect for High Tea or as a tea treat served to your guests.

Stroopies - Authentic Dutch Stroopwafels

Stroopies are super fun to snack on while sipping your favorite cup of tea. I am yet to try the chocolate dipped Stroopies but I know where to go to find them!

You can visit the Stroopies Store to purchase Stroopies single packaged, gift wrapped or in bulk. You may want to check to see if there are any locations near you that display Stroopies. This delicious and fun snack may be closer than you think!

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