Hey tea sipping bookworms! So, I'm introducing a new pilot called "Tea Talk" and I want to know what you think about it. Earlier in the year, when new year's resolutions were still fresh, I made a point to work on being more accessible to you guys, my fellow tea sippers and book readers, and of being more open and exposed...in a good way of course. I also recently read parts of a book (that I intend to finish and share with you) and one of the suggestions in the book was to do one thing that makes you uncomfortable every day to achieve an extraordinary outcome. Videos make me very uncomfortable, especially impromptu videos, so here we go!
The new pilot, Tea Talk, will be short videos uploaded on Instagram, Facebook and/or YouTube that begin conversations between you and I about, you guessed it, books and tea and everything else that occupies a tea sipping bookworm's life! If you like Tea Talk, then I'll add it to the current 15 other Series that I post under on Tea End Blog!
Just like my favorite tea mug says, I hope to ameliorate Tea End Blog and my relationship with all of my subscribers One Step At A Time, so please be patient with me!
If you are not yet a subscriber then we welcome you to subscribe also! What's cool about subscribing is that you enter yourself to win free tea and you get to sip happily ever after with the rest of us!
Let's go! What you would like to talk about?